Bucky Fuller's Legacy

Architect, Author, Designer, Philosopher, Educator, Mathematician, Futurist Engineer, Entrepreneur, and Inventor.

Fuller with a cardboard model of a 4v geodesic hemisphere

Bucky realized the critical role humans play in their own success. He called for design solutions that do more with less, and challenged us to "make the world work for 100% of humanity."


Buckminster Fuller is considered by many to be the father of the modern sustainablility movement. He favored a systems approach to problem solving, and coined the term "synergy" to capture the principle that when one is engaged in cooperative action, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The Geodesic Dome

The geodesic dome, based on a natural pattern of interlocking triangles, is a structure that is considered one of the strongest and most efficient known to humankind.

"He was called the Leonardo DaVinci of our time."

Marshal MacLuhan


Our vision is to further Bucky's work, principles, and commitment to addressing the world's most basic needs by preserving his artifacts and providing programming in the spirit of Fuller's hope for "omni-successful education and a sustenance of all humanity."

Bucky Fuller's Far Reaching Legacy

Born in Massachusetts in 1895, Richard Buckminster Fuller, or “Bucky”, found a love for nature and public service from his family trips to Bear Island in Maine and this time instilled indelible values. Throughout his life, Fuller would patent 25 inventions, Show More...all centered around helping people. He saw a vision where human beings understood the planet from which they were created. A vision of the world where humans coexisted with Earth in a grander “living system,” where we could use the resources of planet without destroying them. ...Show Less

This same thought extended to people's connection with society as a whole and the infamous trim-tab. A trim-tab is a smaller rudder on a larger rudder that improves the efficiency and overall effectiveness of a vessel, whether boat or plane. It does this by adjusting the angle, or direction of the ship. Show More...It is a small connection to a larger device and moves opposite to the larger device in order to enable the larger device to change the direction of the entire entity — a “contrarian” concept to produce the new direction. Without one, the vessel does not adapt as easily to its changing environment and is in greater danger of falling to the perils of nature....Show Less

The world needs and has individuals whom serve as trim-tabs, guiding it on a course to a better future. Buckminster Fuller was one of these individuals. His beliefs on connecting people and the world are what earned him his place in history. He inspired the modern movements to save our planet, without losing what we desire most. Progress towards a better future. Progress towards a better life.

In his 76th Golden Globe awards acceptance speech, Jeff Bridges did a heartfelt shout out to R. Buckminster Fuller and his geodesic domes. Jeff Bridges' message was that even if it seems like one person cannot make a difference, we are all trim-tabs. Although it seems daunting and that the problems of the world are too massive to fix, we all have the power to steer the ship of society in a positive direction.

Jeff Bridges speech may have confused much of the audience and internet, but it surely brought smiles to those who knew.

See the full transcript and Video.

Builder reaching for the skylights building the Bucky Home Dome

There is only one "Dome Home"

Currently there are over 500,000 geodesic domes worldwide, but most importantly, Bucky's original Dome Home is being preserved in Carbondale, Illinois.

How Can You Help?

Right now there are two ways you can help support the completion of the restoration and continuing maintainance of the R. Buckminster Fuller Dome Home. We have an online store where 100% of the proceeds go to the restoration and maintainance of the Dome. You can donate directly with a PayPal Donation option. Any donation would be greatly appreciated and will help us keep this amazing treasure accessible to the public.

Be a part of continuing Bucky Fuller's Dome Home and his Legacy